I'm excited to announce the Official launch of my Website and YouTube channel.

Well I Have finally gotten FeelinSnappy.com & feelin Snappy Youtube up. All ready for your wildlife enjoyment. I am doing all of this so I Have a chance to share The beauty I see in Nature with others who may want to pick up their camera go outside and take photos and observe what's around.... While we still can.
My name is Rob and I love to photograph wildlife, Nature and other stuff. I Shoot with a Nikon D7500 (now a Z6 II). I own one good lens and one basic kit lenses. My wife surprised me recently lol. so you guys will be seeing allot of photos with the Tamron 150-600 G2 Telephoto Lens. I Was able to fix the out of focus issue some were having and I'll go over that in the corresponding blog and YouTube video of the Fix.
I was a Professional Film photographer Back in the 80's-90's on and off. Not much nature then, Mostly portraits, weddings and events all that kind of stuff. I learned Photography partially from my dad who was a hobbyist and I remember I completed a Mail in photo course and got some kind of degree. But I was young then. I've had a camera or two in the past 30 years but didn't get serious again until The past year or so. I am in the area of a forested County Park in southern California. Now I Photograph as much as I can and as much variety as I can.
And wow what a learning curve coming back to Photography after soooo long. With all of the DSLR's and mirrorless Cameras; There is allot of stuff to research and learn about. Really neat gadgets and tons of information and creative ideas to try now. I'm not a photoshop person I only use Lightroom for post. (99%) lol I think photoshop is amazing I just like to stay close to my original composition. Kinda Oldschool I guess; if people even say that anymore. That's what I want to share though. The way nature looks to my eye and this is the way everyone out there who wants to go take photos should look at it. Compose YOUR shot, Check your settings, Shoot and Edit your photos the way YOU saw it in YOUR imagination in the back of YOUR eye.
I Love photographing Wildlife and nature so I want to encourage everyone to get out and Get to Snappin! Share that love and Take Pictures of the nature around. Even if you have physical limitations as I do.
Keep an eye on YouTube for more slideshows and pics. See ya in the next post. Take Care.
@ FeelinSnappy.com you can download Free continually rotating images of wildlife and more. You can join For Free and get Premium Selections of images for Instagram, Your site, Facebook or your studies. All rotating & new Images Every Week or two.
No photo-shopping, only light editing in post. I Recreate what "I" see.
Subscribe and See more photos on the Feelin Snappy YouTube channel. Wildlife Slideshows with quality music from Epidemic For Backgrounds and just chillin, relaxing or whatever.
How-To's, Tips, Reviews & Fixes For the normal photographer Like us.
Using the links below will help me out.
Capture One offers a great editor and a free trial to test it all out here:
Please use the link below to check out a great denoise app:
Lightroom offers a built in slideshow creator if you need to render a slideshow.
Now get out there and experiment, have allot of fun and I hope this helped you out a little. Take care and have a Snaptastic day. See ya in the next blog.
More to come! let me know if there is a subject you would like me touch on.