I really like raptors. From eagles to hawks they are incredible birds. I just like the way they look. Graceful and menacing at the same time.
where I'm located I see mostly Red Shouldered Hawks like the two love birds above. Next would be Red Tails. Falcons on occasion and only in the air and not close enough to really ID. I'll let you guys know when I see and ID one. Oddly though I have seen ninety-five percent of the Red Tails flying. I very rarely actually see a red Tail just chillin. On the other hand I almost always find Red shouldered perched high on a sycamore tree screaming. And then hoping I can get close enough to get a shot before it departs. Most of the time Not, lol.
I want that take-off flight shot. You know the one where he or she just leans into the wind, falls forward off the branch and the wings are just folding almost in half on there rise just after the complete downward thrust. Just like in the Image below.

But This photo is slightly out of focus on the subject as these shots are really hard to nail when I have the bird coming toward me. Even with a burst. But I still persevere and keep driving on to shoot that perfect image. Not for anyone else, but for me. It's my composition my Piece of art that I see in My head and I want it on film. I guess I should say Captured instead of film lol. Point is, Shoot for YOU. (unless your doing a job of course) Take the photo for yourself. What is the best way YOU see or imagine the Composition? Getting That shot is your reward. You'll admire it for yourself and you'll share it without the care of what someone else thinks. You'll know yourself it was great because You love it. Most will too. But share them with everyone and inspire more to get out and start capturing Wildlife through the lens.

Just at sunrise this guy is one of the hawks I shot from the very first Pic in this blog. I shot this image the next day I think lol. While I usually see these guys in sycamore trees these two have nested I believe in the large pine tree. I saw them on multiple occasions right at sun up. I only had my 70 to 300 kit lens and had to get close. They didn't seem to mind.

Now this guy is one of my favorite shots. I know most would like photos from the front. I like getting different shots that show views you don't get to see all the time. This one to me just looks strong. This hawk almost has an arrogance about it as it scans its hunting grounds.

This RT was a really lucky shot to get. I was hiding in some low branches of a large oak tree waiting for any birds or squirrels that would perch on a large dead tree in an open field to my front or my (12 o'clock). It was pretty early. I had my flash mounted and there were a few finches on the dead tree I was focused on. I had just gotten my flash a few days before and was experimenting on these birds earlier in lower light. I had just paused for a moment ant looked over to my left about 9 o'clock ish and saw this guy coming in for a landing at about the same range as what I was shooting. My heart jumped and I got that whole body rush telling myself I'm about to miss this shot of awesomeness. I quickly detached my camera from the tripod as I was unable to move my body with the tripod to aquire the new target (spinal nerve issues limit my movement greatly). After a very quick detachment I was able to snap a couple of shots making no adjustment to the camera lens or flash and I was able to capture this image just as he noticed me and started to fly off. He then flew up the hills and then disappeared. I do love this shot because he looks so majestic with the way his wings are spread.

As if saying "This is my meal and you can't have it" this beautiful hawk was hiding in a bunch of bushes chowing down on his catch. An unlucky bunny. A rabbit no more. I spotted him as I walked by and honestly don't know how. I didn't have my camera on me but it was in the car about 2 minutes away. So I snapped a couple of shots with my cell just in case he was gone when I got back. I got to the car and back as fast as I could and adjusted my settings on the way back. He was still there and I was sooooo happy. This was as close to a wild hawk I had ever been and this was the most incredible shooting situation I had had to this date. I already shak due to nerves but I was so excited I had to really try to calm myself to photograph this amazing bird shaking so bad I couldn't get a sharp shot. Finally calming and then trying Composing this guy wasn't that easy as I was limited in shooting positions. Luckily this beautiful hawk stayed for about 15 minutes or so and I was able to get some incredible shots including the one above. And this is with a kit lens on a lower mid range camera. Without a doubt this encounter was one of the most exhilarating experiences in photography that I've had. It was FUN!

I usually don't get to many good shots of these guys flying. They are usually kind of far up and really hard to get sharp shots for me. I shoot as many as I can hoping for a good sharp image.

This is a photo that I think could be much better. I should have bumped the ShutterSpeed and the ISO. But I did not and the movement blured the head. But..... in another view I like the movement of action and the reality of the moment of the hawk tearing into flesh of its prey.

This is the same guy or gal that I tried to snap the take-off shot of above. I really like to shoot B&W. To me black and white can be more dramatic and at the same time give your image character and a historical feel. It's hard to write how I feel about it. I love old photos and history. Shooting in black and white was also fun when I was shooting film and developing. At that time you shot with B&W film which would give you a better spectrum in gray scale. Now B&W is mostly done in post. For me I guess this is sort of nostalgic as well. I would say give black and white a try. There is alot you can do with it. And some photos you will find as I do just don't look right unless they are B&W.
Well I'm going to end this blog here and hope you guys get outside and shoot some stuff you like. Keep shooting and keep experimenting. Most of all get out, get to snappin and have FUN! See ya in the next blog. Rob
Coming next:
A friend of mine let me check out his brand new Nikon Z50 kit. I give you my thoughts and some images.
Had someone ask about photography terms so I go over some basics.
That and more to come. Thanks for reading. You guys take care.
Using the links below will help me out.
Capture One offers a great editor and a free trial to test it all out here:
Please use the link below to check out a great denoise app:
Lightroom offers a built in slideshow creator if you need to render a slideshow.
Now get out there and experiment, have allot of fun and I hope this helped you out a little. Take care and have a Snaptastic day. See ya in the next blog.
More to come! let me know if there is a subject you would like me touch on.