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Happy 4TH! & A Cute Squirrel

Writer's picture: Feelin SnappyFeelin Snappy

American flag on a stick
Happy 4TH!

Happy Independence day All!!~! This morning I was able to get out and get these shots. For me it was exciting, because It’s the first day I’ve been able to get out to shoot for a bit. My Back has been difficult lately. This is why my Blog and updates have been about two weeks apart. New You Tube slide-shows and reviews are coming. I’ll get everything up ASAP. Make sure to Check the Emporium for new SNAPS. These images will be in the emporium in a couple of days.

A squirrel peeking from behind a tree
Good Morning!
a ground squirrel posing by a tree
Sure is a Squirrely day

Today is a very beautiful day in here in lovely So-Cal. Hot but there are people out enjoying their July 4th holiday, and we aren’t the only ones. The squirrels are out and they are looking for there 4th snacks.

ground squirrel eating a nut
Finding lots of nuts!
a squirrel posing with one paw up
I know you.

I took a short series of images this morning of a mama squirrel I call Elsy. She is finally letting me sit quite close to her to shoot. The babies are still really skittish but they are getting closer as well. We used to have them come up to us asking for food. But in the past year When I go to the park they are really skittish of humans.

A curious squirrel looking at me
Yeah your that guy....

There is a large multifamily squirrel habitat in this location. Tons of tunnels from tree to tree and a home made birdbath that all birds and critters enjoy. Keep an eye on the Emporium New images of the birdbath are coming)

A Cute Squirrel gathering and eating seeds and nuts.
Squirrel eating a nut close up view
You guys better keep watch....

I place seeds out for birds and the squirrels love them also. Keeping the bath clean and placing the seeds out helps the animals to get used to me. They will also know that I’m the one giving this to them in hopes they get used to me. This works because The squirrels and birds both have allowed me to drop my distance by half in a pretty short time. This in turn lets me get sharper photos.

A Cute baby Squirrels posing gathering and eating seeds and nuts.
ok Jeffrey, give me another...
A Cute Baby Squirrels gathering and eating seeds and nuts.

I love the curiosity and demeanor of these little guys. The baby squirrels are really fun to watch. Wrestling just like little boys, then chasing each other around. (I’m working on getting video of this. I will as soon as I can get out.)

A Cute Squirrel gathering and eating seeds and nuts.
I love finding the good stuff
A Cute Squirrel posing on a tree, gathering and eating seeds and nuts.
Thank You
A Cute Squirrel gathering and eating seeds and nuts.
So...are you leaving?

Yep, but I'll be back.

These were all Shot with the Nikon Z6 II with FTZ adapter (way cheaper if you get with Z camera) & Tamron 150-600mm G2. Not denoised & minimally adjusted. This is my favorite camera I have shot with. I have been shooting with a few different cameras and lenses lately, Thanks to my friend Who has let me try them out for an extended amount of time. (thank you thank you S.) So as long as things work I’ll be shooting review photos In the next two nights of- The Nikon Z6, Z5, Z50 (another short one),FTZ adapter, Z lenses- 70-300f4, 24-200f4, 50f1.8, Tamron 150-600mm G2 For Wildlife, Meke 50mm 1.7 MF, Weird 18mm lens cap. Why night? Find out in the next Blog, lol.

Well I guess that's it for this one. I'm really glad that i was able to get out and get these great shots this morning. You guys have a great day, have an awesome 4th and until next time, Keep on Snappin.

These photos were shot with a Nikon Z6 II & the Tamron 150-600m G2.

Check out My Gear page

Using the links below will help me out.

Capture One offers a great editor and a free trial to test it all out here:

Please use the link below to check out a great denoise app:

Lightroom offers a built in slideshow creator if you need to render a slideshow.

Now get out there and experiment, have allot of fun and I hope this helped you out a little. Take care and have a Snaptastic day. See ya in the next blog.

More to come! let me know if there is a subject you would like me touch on.



© 2020 Robert Lemoine @ Feelin Snappy Photography

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